Location - 40º N 4º
W |
Capital - Madrid |
Area - 195,364 square
miles |
Population - 40,037,995
(approximately) |
Official Language - Castilian
Spanish |
- The Euro (EUR). US$1.00 = EUR 1.03312. |
- The median temperature of Spain is 47 ºF (8 ºC) in the winter and 68 ºF (20 ºC) in the
summer. |
This country is
situated in South West Europe. It occupies the Iberian
Peninsula and is bathed by the Mediterranean Sea, the
Atlantic Ocean and the Cantabrian Sea. It also includes
the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean, the Canary
Islands in the Atlantic and the cities of Ceuta and Melilla.
Spain is a country rich in history, culture and diversity. |
It is not difficult
to translate the splendour and serenity of such an country,
so Gordon & Keenes International
presents a fine collection of properties that
allows you to experience these characteristics of Spain.
We work with local agents and developers to ensure that
we offer quality properties. |