Location - 15.1º
N 61.3º W |
Capital - Roseau |
Area - 288 square miles |
Population - 71,000 (approximately) |
Official Language - English.
Creole & patois widely spoken. |
- The Eastern Caribbean dollar EC$. Fixed exchange
rate US$1.00 = EC$2.70. |
- Temperatures range from 83ºF (29ºC) to 88ºF
(24ºC) though notably cooler in the hills. |
Situated in the
arc of islands called the Lesser Antilles, Dominica exposes
her dramatic angles, energetic rivers and dynamic forests.
With her rolling hills, secluded coastlines and virgin
woods, the island's uncompromising beauty mesmerises. |
& Keenes International proudly offer a
selection of properties that compliment and enhance such
untouched and unspoilt natural beauty. We engage in collaborations
with local agents and developers to ensure that we offer
an extensive and comprehensive service. |